Sunday 13 November 2011

Snapshots of Life

Over the last few days I have had the strangest feeling of seeing events around me as a series of snapshots, like moments in time. For example seeing a colleague fixing another colleague's tie. Seeing a crowd of pupils listening raptly to a funny story. Suddenly having my car surrounded by a group of young men fighting in the street, one of them pulling his shirt off. A large pink moon viewed from Cathkin, hanging low over Glasgow. Waves breaking on a beach. Deer grazing in a field. A flock of seagulls taking off from the pond in Queen's Park. A man feeding squirrels in the park who were eating from his hand. Ally and Davie meeting me in the hall to tell me something, and noticing how tall they are. Waking to find James with a cup of coffee and a bowl of porridge for me. A robin on the bird table. A cat sleeping in a shaft of sunlight. All of these in the last three days; it reminds me of the Edwin Morgan poem "Glasgow 5 March 1971". My life is in freeze frame this weekend! And one day these moments will be long in the past.

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