Wednesday 16 November 2011

A year on the wagon

I am just digesting a large curry which we got to celebrate my anniversary of one year without alcohol. A year ago, on the 16th November 2010, I decided quite suddenly to stop drinking. This was partly because I was concerned about becoming a bit too dependent on having a drink to relax, and partly because of a rather dodgy family heritage regarding alcohol - on both sides of my family - which I did not want to follow! Although it felt strange at first, I can honestly say that I don't miss it at all. The fact that I drink huge quantities of soft drinks even makes me wonder if, rather than becoming too dependent on alcohol, I am in fact just a very thirsty person! I am however disappointed that I haven't lost weight, which I thought would be a pleasant side effect of not drinking. I realise that this is because of eating too much and not taking enough exercise, so my next target is to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I now have something of a dilemma. Having achieved my ambition of no alcohol for a year, what should I do now? I read recently that it is good for your health to have a glass of red wine every night, better in fact than not drinking at all. So is a year enough or should I continue not drinking alcohol? Until I decide, I will remain on the wagon.
Tonight is actually my second curry in two days because last night I met up with Lindy for a delicious meal at Dhakin. We had a really good and interesting chat, she is a lovely girl. I said to her "Why haven't we met up for meals like this for the last twenty years?" to which Lindy pointed out that if I had given birth to Jamie a year or two earlier we probably would have got to know each other years earlier! Oh well, better late than never! 

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