Friday 25 November 2011

Big Sea

It has been a busy few days at work; I have been on a residential trip which is always tiring and this one was no exception, I didn't get much sleep last night. Good fun though and the pupils loved it which is the important thing (I suppose!). I had to leave the trip early because I had a meeting that I needed to go to; as I drove down to the front at Largs I was struck by the amazing sight in front of me. It was a big, grey-green, choppy, heaving sea! It was spell-binding in its power; it looked as if it was too big to be contained and could almost rise up to engulf the land! I stopped the car to have a proper look at it - fantastic. I love looking at the sea in all its different incarnations; one day I would like to live beside it. As I continued on my journey I was also treated to rainbows and sunlight shining through spray thrown up by cars and lorries on the road. All this was because of the heavy rain and winds last night, they resulted in a very striking morning. So now I am in the bath about to get ready for Victoria and Tom's engagement party. I am enjoying my current, rather strange, book - Cloud Atlas. I downloaded it because Heather was reading it when we were in Barra. I found it difficult to get into at first but I have warmed up to it now and I think it's very well written. 

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