Sunday 20 November 2011

Chilling out at Corrour

After a convivial evening in Loch Ossian Hostel I decided to move a mattress from the girls' dorm into the living room so that I wouldn't disturb people with my coughing. This worked very well. Miriam warned me that there was a possibility of mice so I put the mattress on one of the benches propped up by three chairs and it was perfectly secure and cosy for the night. I coughed from time to time without nearly choking myself by trying to stifle it and I got a great night's sleep. Cornel very kindly made me a mug of coffee when he got up in the morning. I went outside with my coffee to look at the loch in the light grey morning, it is truly beautiful. After breakfast Miriam and I walked towards Loch Traig; when we were having a coffee near the railway line a white land rover type vehicle went past - on the railway tracks! It must be a maintenance vehicle, they waved to us and tooted their horn. We walked until we could see Loch Traig but didn't go right down to it, we had lovely views of rolling hills with the loch between them. Our walk there and back was about 7 km in total. Back to the hostel; most people were still out walking and I had a lovely sleep for about two hours, then read my book. I have finished "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", recommended by Lesley, which I thought was really excellent. A lot of the science in it was way beyond my understanding but that didn't spoil it for me, it was still very interesting and very sad in parts. Everybody congregated back at the hostel and soon it was time to put on our head torches for the walk back to the station. It has been a great weekend, despite my cold, with a really nice crowd of people. We took the train back to Bridge of Orchy, said our goodbyes, and we are now heading home in the car. I can't wait to get into a warm bath! 

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