Thursday 3 November 2011

Ally goes to a concert

James is home from Madrid, he got home about 4 but I didn't get home until 7 because I had the first of my Food Hygiene twilights today. I thought it might be boring but in fact it was fascinating and also a bit horrifying - pathogens, spores, botulism, salmonella were but a few of the unpleasant dangers we learned about! When I got home I was delighted to find that James had made my tea (hygienically I'm sure!) and we had a pleasant evening with Davie. Davie and I also watched the last ever episode of Medium, a programme that the two of us have enjoyed watching together over the years. At the end the actors waved farewell and clips were shown of them during the series - the adults looked so young at the start and the children were tiny! I felt quite nostalgic. Ally was helping at a music taster evening at his school today, and I expected him home at about nine. However by eleven there was no sign of him and he wasnt answering his phone. I was very worried, however he phoned eventually to tell me that he and a friend had spontaneously decided to go to see Katy Perry at the SECC. He is just home now and had a great time, they bought tickets from a ticket tout, haggled the price down, and ran into the hall just as Katy Perry came on stage. He said she was very good and the whole place smelled of candy floss! 

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