Wednesday 2 November 2011

James in Madrid

I missed Hallowe'en this year, because when I arrived home from work on Monday I was so tired that I went straight to bed. This is very unusual; I must have been really tired or perhaps as Mum would have said, "coming down with something"! James, Ally and Davie all left me in peace and apart from a cup of tea with James at 9.30 I slept for fourteen hours and woke up feeling fine, so if there was something wrong I had fought it off! So now it's a new month although the weather doesn't feel all that cold yet. Today I was at a great conference in Alloa and I feel quite inspired with new ideas. Then I went back to school and Jackie and I worked until seven then rewarded ourselves by going out for tea. Home to find the house trashed by the boys, I warned them that Dad will be home from Madrid tomorrow so they had better tidy up! Meanwhile over in Madrid, James was out sampling the nightlife with Heather and Ewan in the old part of the city. He phoned later in a very jolly mood to say that he had a great time and I think it has cheered him up because the rest of the trip has been quite boring, stuck in the office. Jamie also phoned to say that he has found out that someone has already done the research project that he was planning, so now he will have to start from scratch. He is coming home this weekend, I'm looking forward to seeing him very much. 

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