Saturday 5 November 2011

Jack does not enjoy Fireworks Night

This has been a lovely weekend so far. Last night we went out for dinner with Kathryn and Alan to Piccolo Mondo which is one of their favourite restaurants. James and I really liked it; we had an absolutely delicious meal for an excellent price including aperitifs and liqueurs! It was a fun evening; we ended up going to the Central Hotel champagne bar which I have never been to before, it was very opulent like something from the 1930s, which huge chandeliers. This evening I was persuaded by James to go to the fireworks display at Glasgow Green. I haven't been there for several years because I'm not too keen on organised fireworks displays - I have heard of too many things going wrong at them resulting in injuries or death. I prefer to have a fireworks party at home because then I can make sure that everything is safely done. However I have to say that I really enjoyed tonight's show. The display was spectacular and accompanied by good music, it went on for at least twenty minutes. There was a better police presence than I have seen on previous occasions which appealed to my love of safety! We took the train from Cambuslang to Argyle Street, it didn't take very long to walk from there to Glasgow Green. Jamie is home for the weekend and he and Alasdair came with us. David was also there, with a group of schoolfriends. After the display Alasdair went off to go to a party by train, and James, Jamie and I got fish suppers on the way home. When we got back Jack was still in his place in the hall cupboard, which is where he prefers to spend fireworks night. Jack hates fireworks so much that when he hears even a single firework he gets very agitated. So this is not his favourite night of the year! He has very cleverly worked out that the very centre of the house is the hall cupboard and we put his rug in there earlier so that he would be comfy. When it seemed a bit quieter later on we brought him out to the living room but some fireworks started up again nearby and Jack ran out of the room, keeping himself very low to the ground, to get back into his cupboard. Never mind Jack, fireworks night comes but once a year! 

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