Tuesday 22 November 2011

Dinner with Hardeep

Just over a year ago Ewan and Heather very kindly invited us to a Pharmacists' Dinner to raise funds for the new Pharmacy Department at Strathclyde University. It was a fantastic evening at Kama Sutra in Sauchiehall Street; the food was delicious and the entertainment consisted of a quiz, comedy and an auction, hosted by tv presenter Hardeep Singh Kohli. Our table happened to be right at the front and we had a great time, Hardeep was very funny and singled us (and me in particular) out for attention, something that would normally make my blood run cold but it was such a jolly evening that in fact I found it to be great fun. This was in part because I had consumed a great deal of wine! When it came to the auction James bid for and won "Dinner with Hardeep"! At last we organised the dinner with Hardeep's agent and it took place last night at the Ashoka in Ashton Lane.
I really like Ashton Lane, it feels to me like a little bit of Paris in the west end of Glasgow! The staff at the restaurant made us very welcome and when Hardeep arrived he was pleasant and very intelligent. I had wondered if he might feel a bit awkward with four near strangers who had bid for his company, but he was very relaxed. I think it helped that Heather, Ewan, James and I are all rather charming and pleasant ourselves, (well, we are!) which hopefully put him at his ease! He was a bit huffy when another customer at the restaurant took a photo of him without permission. The meal was delicious and we talked about all sorts of things, from Indian Cookery to Literature (he is a Booker prize judge and is very well read). His cousin Sanjay, who owns the Apple group of pharmacies and the Harlequin group of restaurants, joined us for part of the meal and was also very good company, he was talking to Heather and Ewan about current developments in Pharmacy. It was an excellent evening.

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