Tuesday 12 March 2024

Alpaca Trekking and cute Harris

We have had such a great day. We went Alpaca Trekking at a farm near Blanefield, using the voucher that Gordon gave me for my 60th birthday. We have tried to book the session before but it was delayed twice by adverse weather. Coincidentally we had dinner at Gordon’s last night with Morag, John and Donna, he cooked us a delicious meal and we had a very pleasant evening. 

The Alpaca Trekking was great fun. We were introduced to our two alpacas, who were called Tim and Steve. It was just us and their trainer who was called Fiona. It took a few minutes for the alpacas to get used to us leading them, and they kept stopping, but Fiona told us to pull them gently by their leads, and they started following us along. We walked with them for an hour in lovely countryside, they have a fantastic life on the farm. Fiona told us all about their diet and their habits. They like rolling in dust and Tim had a wee roll at one point during the walk. Every time they saw long enough grass they would stop to munch it; when we encouraged them to move on they ignored us but when Fiona spoke to them they would start walking again. I think that they could tell that we had no experience with their species! Tim was a beautiful caramel colour with big eyes and long eyelashes, while Steve was creamy white and had a quizzical expression. In the animal world they are closely related to camels and their fur is incredibly thick. It was a most enjoyable experience.

This evening I popped round to Carolyn and Euan’s for dinner, they made a very tasty quorn curry. Harris is two and a half now and is absolutely gorgeous and very, very sweet natured. He’s clever too; his speech and vocabulary are excellent. He showed me his toys and took my temperature using his toy first aid kit. When he ate his dinner he put each spoonful to his teddy’s mouth first. I left before his bedtime so that the family could get on with their evening routine and he gave me a hug goodbye. Carolyn and Euan’s new baby is due at the beginning of July, I think that Harris is going to be a very loving big brother. 

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