Friday 1 September 2023

Six the Musical again and again!

The end of August continued to be pleasantly warm if not always sunny. In yet another, no doubt doomed, attempt to get fitter, I have been swimming just about every day at David Lloyd. One day after we had lunch with Diane and John in the Boathouse Café up at the pond in Rouken Glen Park, James came with me to David Lloyd and we had a swim and then besported ourselves in the outdoor jacuzzi. It must have been Thursday 31st, because I was meeting Heather later for an early dinner before going to see Six the Musical. So after our swim, James dropped me off at Pollokshaws West Station on his way home, so that I could get a train into town. All went smoothly, apart from the fact that my sandal caught on one of the steps up to the platform and down I went, rather painfully onto my hands and knees. Oh boy it was sore! My right kneecap swelled up and made my leggings feel very tight. It was sore for the rest of the evening and I imagined that I had damaged my kneecap, but luckily it was nothing but bruising and it was much better the next day. I am too clumsy.
I actually went to Six the Musical on Wednesday 30th (with Gordon) as well as on the 31st with Heather! These were my 4th and 5th times! I saw it first in December ‘21 with Chanel in Manchester, and then twice in June 22, once with Ally W and once by myself. I invited Jackie - she would have loved it - but she had school Prize-giving so couldn’t come. I wish that we could still go to fun outings together. 
Anyway, on Wednesday, Gordon and I had dinner in Il Pieno, just across the road from the Theatre Royal. At the end of the evening I popped back in there to see if I had left my phone, it turned out that it was safely at home. The next night I was back in Il Pieno with Heather and the waiter recognised me and asked if I had found my phone, which I thought was very sweet. I LOVED seeing Six the Musical again both times. I don’t even know why I like this wee daft musical so much; I like the music very much and it makes me feel so happy. 

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