Saturday 30 September 2023


We visited Chris and Stacey last week in their beautiful home near Ochiltree in Ayrshire. As well as seeing this lovely young couple we were keen to meet their two wee boys, Rory and Jamie. Rory is three now and was at our house last summer when Jamie and Kerry were in Scotland, but we were out and missed seeing him. So now that Jamie has been born (he’s three months old) we decided that it was high time to meet them both. And what a beautiful family they are. It reminded me a bit of ourselves with little boys and our lives in front of us. They made us very welcome and we had a good chat. 
Jennifer came to visit us on Wednesday for a few days and we had such a lovely time. She arrived on the day that I was hosting my EK Book Club and she helped me with the teas and coffees and joined in with all the chat. It was a convivial evening and the book club girls loved Jennifer. I felt very proud of her! 
We visited Janet McDougall, the first time that Jennifer has met her. We had lunch at the Chapterhouse café and Janet told us lots of stories about the family. We walked Vinnie the dog twice and I found it very reassuring to have an experienced dog person with me. It built my confidence let him off the lead a bit more in the park. Despite a poor weather forecast we had lovely weather both times although our feet got muddy in the field which was quite waterlogged. We also had the opportunity for some good chat while we were walking. We went over to David Lloyd for a swim and a spa too.
Then on the Friday a group of Jennifer’s friends came round for supper, and what a nice group they were! I knew Alison and Elspeth already and I enjoyed getting to know Julie. It was another lovely evening, the culmination of a great visit. 

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