Sunday 17 September 2023

A bit of Mahler

Yesterday was quite a rubbish day. My tooth continued to be really sore. James gave me some cocodamol but it didn’t really help so I went back to ibuprofen which gives at least temporary relief. It’s amazing how one tooth being sore has taken over my whole existence, and it made me wonder how people cope with more serious or chronic pain.
I spent most of the afternoon in bed reading and sleeping, and my lovely Flora stayed right beside me most of the time. I know that she had a break while I was asleep because James was outside working in the garden, and he told me that she ventured outside for a little while and sat at the top of the steps, then returned indoors to take care of me. She is such a wee honey. Tom however is a man’s cat and he roamed around his territory, checking on James’ gardening progress from time to time. 
I got up for the evening, James made a delicious asparagus risotto which I ate with the right hand side of my mouth. We watched another episode of Black Mirror. When I was tucked up in bed I noticed that it had just turned midnight so I did my Wordle, which I do every day. I had just been reading an online article about the Righteous Brothers and the word “music” came to me. And amazingly, for the first time ever, I got the word on my first attempt! I was delighted! 
It’s weird that two lovely things have happened (Wordle on first attempt and picture published on BBC Scotland website) just when I’m suffering with this tooth. Life is strange. 
Today my tooth was a bit better, apart from once when I gnashed it together with my upper teeth by accident and it was very sore! We went to Strathpeffer in the afternoon to see a Mahler Players concert; Mahler Symphony no. 6 to be precise. It’s the first time that we’ve been to an event at Strathpeffer Pavilion and it was a nice venue. There was a good turnout and I enjoyed the concert - up to a point; I am not very familiar with Mahler and it kind of sounded like a film score to me. I think I would need to hear more to get more of an idea of it. We had a coffee afterwards in a wee coffee shop that was like an old fashioned American diner complete with a juke box. 
Back in Ullapool we had a relaxing evening and were much amused by Flora who watched a nature programme about birds very intently and then climbed up beside the television to try to catch the birds! 

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