Thursday 7 September 2023

Hidden Café

Another beautiful day; even hotter than yesterday. I sat outside in the morning, and needless to say the cats both came and sat near me on the patio. I set off by train to meet Ally W for lunch; her house is only ten minutes walk from Exhibition Centre station. She took me to a café that I have never visited before called the Hidden Café. And it really is hidden - it’s down a wee lane behind Dumbarton Road where there are old mews cottages. I had no idea that it was there despite walking past the end of the lane many times. It was pretty hot both indoors and out, I heard later that it was 27 deg C, but the windows were all open and we fanned ourselves with our menus. The lunch was delicious and I’ll definitely be back. Ally had some serious news to discuss with me and we had a long catch up and chat. It was lovely to see her. 

When I headed back to the station after lunch I felt a drop of rain on my shoulder, which turned into a light shower. The raindrops were big and warm and evaporated instantly on the hot pavement. I wasn’t dressed for a shower, since I was wearing a very light sundress, but luckily it didn’t get any heavier by the time I got in to the shelter of the station. 

Back in Cambuslang (where there were no more raindrops!) I had a number of errands to do on my way home; I picked up a prescription, extracted a wad of money from the cash machine, and collected the car from the body shop (that’s what the money was for.) I had put the car in there yesterday for a repair after an embarrassment with a wall in Bibury in July. Since I did the damage it was only fair that I should pay for the repair, and the body shop manager gave me an excellent discount for cash. He had done an excellent job and I was very pleased. 

I couldn’t wait to jump into my hammock in the garden where I read my book to the pleasant sounds of children playing in the garden next door and birds singing in the trees. 

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