Tuesday 12 September 2023

A dog, two cats and a squirrel

James came with me on my Vinnie walk this afternoon; we followed the usual route through Holmhills and Cambuslang Parks, and all three of us had a fine time. Vinnie was impressed that James  can throw his ball much further than I can, and he was running about chasing the ball for ages. It was another beautiful sunny day, and we had a nice chat on our walk, and Vinnie met a few other doggies, he’s such a friendly dog. 

There was drama in the garden when we got home. Tom was full of beans after his dinner and chased Flora up the pear tree beside the fence, then he dashed up the other pear tree. There happened to be a squirrel already in that tree above Tom and it was absolutely furious; it was chattering at him loudly in its gruff voice. I think that it must have been angry because it felt trapped by him blocking its usual exit down the tree and across the grass to the other pear tree and the many trees in the Reids’ garden. So it climbed high up the tree and then gave an almighty leap to the other pear tree. This was no mean feat even for a squirrel, because it had to grab on to the very thin twigs high up, and we could see them bending way down like a springboard before it leaped again onto safer branches. But oh dear, our bushy tailed friend had not realised that Flora was already in that tree, and it did a huge double take when it realised that it was running towards her! Flora could hardly believe what was happening, it was so funny! The squirrel turned just in time and disappeared into the Reids’ conifers, what great entertainment, it was like a nature programme! 

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