Thursday 14 September 2023

Root Canal

I had a funny old morning. I was absolutely dreading my root canal treatment this afternoon so I busied myself around the house and got a heck of a lot done! Silver linings! 
However inevitably the time soon came for my treatment and the procedure took two whole hours, which to be fair I had been warned. It wasn’t painful because my mouth was well injected with local anaesthetic, but afterwards I felt a little bit confused and faint. Luckily James had insisted on driving me over to the west end where the clinic is, and had passed the time walking in to the centre of town for some shopping. When I emerged into the daylight I phoned James and he was only five minutes away. The pain began when the anaesthetic wore off about an hour later. My whole tooth and the gum under it became very sore, and painkillers barely took the edge off it. The dentist had warned me about this too, that all the root canal treatment would have temporarily irritated and inflamed all of the tissues. I hope that it gets better soon because at the moment it is murder polis! 

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