Monday 18 September 2023

Rainy day

I woke at 5 a.m. with my tooth sore, and took ibuprofen which meant that when I woke again a couple of hours later it felt ok. My tooth is definitely getting better, however I really have been taken by surprise at the pain that follows root canal treatment. The other thing that I noticed at 5 a.m. was rain battering against the window, and it was still raining when we got up. It was a wet day, with the cloud hanging low over the loch. 
However we had some nice plans that were unaffected by the rain; brunch in Inverness with Alison and Hugh. We met in a lovely wee café in the town centre and had a very pleasant chat and catch up over coffee and French toast. It had even temporarily stopped raining by the time we left the café. We stopped at Tesco in the way back to Ullapool and James bought the ingredients for his special sweet potato curry. 
Then Anne popped round for a coffee in the afternoon and we caught up on news beside the fire over coffee and biscuits. And later James made his curry which was absolutely delicious and we watched another episode of Black Mirror. As rainy days go, it was a rather good one. Although I’m not sure that the cats would agree, they spent quite a lot of time mooching about in the porch looking sadly out at the rain. 

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