Monday 11 September 2023

Car trouble and coffee

Well it was cooler today after the rain yesterday, but I’m glad to say that it still felt warm and summery - there may be a few leaves on the ground but we’re not quite into autumn yet. I spent quite a lot of the morning arranging a car repair because one of the wheel bearings seems to be faulty again. Also an annoying rattle beneath the passenger door and a glitch with the display screen. I tried to hasten the repair over to Land-rover south side to throw myself on their mercy but they were unmoved and sent me home to follow the correct procedure by phoning Land-rover assistance, who have to diagnose the car before it can be booked in for repair. This duly took place and the repair will not take place until October. Words fail me.

James had a guitar lesson after lunch, which he said that he enjoyed. I picked him up and on the way home we stopped for coffee and strawberry tarts at Hugo’s in Burnside. It was doing a roaring trade, the staff were really friendly and helpful. I’m aware that it is nearly the end of hammock season so when we got home I headed outside. It was so pretty in the garden; so green and lush, with a welcome little breeze after the hot, still weather of the last few days. 

In other news, Ally and Cat are safe home from Morocco, thank goodness. It’s now being reported that three thousand people died during the earthquake, many in remote mountain villages which were completely destroyed. It’s so sad. 

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