Sunday 24 September 2023


I have loved Shania Twain since I first heard of her, around the time that her third album came out in the 1990s. So did a lot of my pupils in Coatbridge. During a hilarious end of class chat one boy said “She’s beautiful, she’s a great singer, and she’s minted!” I saw his point; what’s not to like? However last night at the Hydro it was the first time that I have ever seen her live, and she certainly didn’t disappoint! What a fantastic voice she has! And an amazing stage presence, and she is still very beautiful. It was a very joyful experience. I was at the concert on my own because I had gone ahead and booked my ticket under the impression that James didn’t want to go. It turned out that although he had said that he wasn’t keen, he would have been willing to come with me, but by that time it was too late and any remaining available seats would have been miles away from me, which defeated the purpose. Heather and Ewan were at the concert and I paid them a brief visit at their seats before the concert began. 
I had noticed that the exit behind me was right beside the bridge to Exhibition Centre Station, so I left sharp and successfully beat the majority  of the crowds heading for the station, and got on to the first train that arrived. An excellent evening. 

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