Monday 1 May 2017

Coastal Walk

On Saturday I was back out walking! I wasn't sure about going on a coastal walk in Fife with the walking club after two days of walking on the Duke of Edinburgh expedition. I thought that perhaps I would spend the morning in bed instead! However James persuaded me that a walk would "loosen off my legs." I felt that the full 15 km walk that the others were doing from Crail to Elie would be a bit too much for me, so I compromised by asking Andy and Gwen to drop me off in Anstruther to do a shorter walk of about 8 km. It was perfect! As soon as I arrived in Anstruther I headed for the excellent Waterfront Café where I had a lovely coffee at a window table overlooking the harbour. The weather was mild and really pleasant for walking, and after spending two days with twenty-six pupils I was very happy to be walking by myself! The views of the pretty villages of Anstruther, Pittenweem, St Monans and finally Elie were beautiful in the sunshine. The coastal path was lined with gorse bushes and was gentle and easy to walk. There were many benches on which I paused for a rest whenever I felt like it. The Fife Coastal path lacks the wild remoteness of my beloved north-west of Scotland, however it is very attractive - perhaps I could be converted? There were certainly many gorgeous houses with the sea views that I love. 

The others caught up with me in the outskirts of Elie and we all had a pleasant drink sitting outside the Ship Inn. 

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