Wednesday 3 May 2017


There have been beautiful sunsets the last two days, with the most amazing blazing red sun lighting up the sky with stripes of pink and blue. I have been feeling very excited, because I have finally gone public at work with the decision I made over the Easter holidays - I am retiring at the end of June! 

The main reason is that I feel that I am done. I started work at seventeen years old and have never stopped - so that's thirty-seven years. Not for me those long University holidays; I worked all summer, every summer. Twenty-seven of these years have been in teaching and it has been a great and interesting career; it has been a privilege to have a career teaching and helping people. I have been a teacher, a Principal teacher and a Depute Head (Head of a Communication Support Base). I have travelled with pupils to Europe and Africa, and led many Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. I have seen and done and taught and learned so much. I am truly grateful to James for supporting me in this decision and I look forward to the next chapter of my life. 

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