Friday 26 May 2017

Police Presence

One of the things we noticed on our trip to Troon this afternoon was the unusually high number of police we saw in the streets and on the promenade. There were two pairs of police officers separately chatting to people near the beach, and a police van driving around the town. I thought at first that this might just be because of the crowds and hot weather, but Chanel pointed out that it is because of the terrorist attack in Manchester on Monday this week. Britain's alert level for international terrorism has now been raised to critical. This means that another attack is expected imminently, which is very serious, and police all over the country are having to work twelve hour shifts. 

The Manchester attack was sickening. A suicide bomber chose the foyer of an Ariana Grande concert, mainly attended by teenagers and young people, as the place to blow himself up, and he did it just as the crowds were exiting the concert to cause maximum death and injury. Twenty-two people were killed and many more have terrible shrapnel wounds due to the nuts and bolts with which he had packed his bomb. There was a one minute silence to remember the victims on Friday and I looked out the window at the sunshine and thought of those young lives cut short. 

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