Saturday 6 May 2017


So here I am blogging in the garden on a beautiful sunny afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky and it's really warm, with a pleasant light breeze that has dried three loads of washing for me really quickly. I love the fresh smell of washing that has been blown dry by the wind outside. Our neighbours have an apple tree whose branches overhang the fence into our garden; the sprays of pink blossom and fresh green leaves against the blue sky look absolutely stunning, like a painting, except better because they are so alive.

James and Ally are hill-walking in Glencoe; I have spent a very pleasant day around the house doing useful things as well as relaxing. I do love to potter about and I love being at home. Tom cat has checked in with me from time to time to see what I am up to and to make sure that I have filled his bowl with chunks. As I lie here on a blanket on the grass (I can't find the frame for my beloved hammock!) he has just come by and sat beside me companionably for a few minutes before moving off to investigate something at the top of the garden. I have finished one book (Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris - it was mostly ok) and I have just started another (One Night in Winter by Simon Sebag Montefiore) which seems good so far. In a while I will make the dinner for my hungry hill-walkers. What a good day! 

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