Friday 26 May 2017

Summer arrives

So it is now truly summer. The past few days have been hot rather than just warm, and I am blogging from my hammock in the garden. It has been an eventful week. On Tuesday I had a lovely curry with Jennifer G at the Nakodar Grill in Denniston, it was lovely to see her and to catch up with her news. On Wednesday Ally and Cat set off on holiday to New Zealand via a few days in Australia; I was so delighted for them because they have been looking forward to their freedom now that all of their exams are over. They have messaged us to say that they are now safely arrived in Sydney. Three quarters of an hour before Ally left for the airport with James, David and Chanel arrived home, so they had time for a quick meal with him! David had some good news on Tuesday; he has passed his driving test! I am so pleased that all three boys are finally through their tests! He owes a huge debt of gratitude to Chanel's Mum, Rukhsana, who took him out in a hired car for six hours of practice after his driving instructor dumped him the week before his test. 

And now it's the holiday weekend which is just great. David, Chanel and I went down to Troon today. I have never seen Troon Beach so crowded, and there were even lots of people in the sea. We had lunch in a wee café then walked along the front eating ice cream cones. But it's good to be back relaxing in the garden; when James arrives home from London we're going to have a barbecue. 

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