Sunday 14 May 2017

Seeking bluebells

Today the sunshine returned and James suggested that we should go on a walk through some bluebell filled woods. So we set off to the Trossachs and had a really lovely walk through the woods near Brig O'Turk. There were indeed bluebells galore and we took lots of photos of them in the dappled sunlight. We continued up to the dam at Glenfinglas Reservoir and then climbed up on to a high path which turned east and took us back along the hillside towards Loch Venachar. Our total distance was about 8 km and the weather was very warm and sunny. After yesterday's rain there was a humid feel to the air, especially in the woods. We had a picnic on the hillside, and James had brought a flask of coffee which I very much appreciated. The views of the loch and the hills beyond were stunning; the tree-covered slopes of the valley were bright shades of green with Ben Venue rising up behind them. What a beautiful day. 

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