Monday 7 January 2013

Welcome to the gym

Inspired by a slight feeling of fitness after our ski holiday, I turned up after work today at the gym in the sports centre attached to my school. I am very lucky to have a good gym right on the premises and I know I should make use of it. When I got there I got a warm welcome from a group of fit colleagues, regulars at the gym, who advised me on which machines would strengthen my dodgy knee, and what settings to use. They were so welcoming that they invited me to a "Metafit" class later in the week (the P.E. department are very dedicated to fitness and run classes for staff). However the very name "Metafit" struck terror into my heart - for me it implies something rather extreme! So I thanked my colleagues and said that I will work on my gym fitness for a while before going to any classes! I felt pleased that I have made a start - the hard part will be keeping it up. 

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