Monday 28 January 2013

Margaret's funeral

Today was my Aunt Margaret's funeral in Edinburgh and nine of us set off from Glasgow in two cars; Jennifer and family, James, me, Ally, Cat and Davie. Jamie couldn't attend because he had a clinic at hospital that he couldn't get out of. It was a suitably bleak and chilly day for a funeral; we all had a coffee at a garden centre before heading to the crematorium. There was a good turnout of family and friends and it was a fitting tribute to a lovely lady who lived for ninety-two years. Janet gave a lovely talk about her Mum which was moving, funny and affectionate and Anne spoke very fondly about her Grandma. Both speeches reminded me that although the last four years were very difficult for Margaret, she had a good life with family and friends who loved her.
After lunch back at Janet and Peter's we headed back to the west through really dreadful torrential rain. I got to school just in time to chair the departmental meeting - to the dismay of my colleagues who hoped it would be cancelled (they were just joking - I think!) and reply to the most urgent emails before getting a lift home with Chris. Meanwhile Jennifer, Russell and the boys were driving south through equally horrible weather - they didn't get home until 9.30 p.m. but at least they made it safely. 

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