Sunday 20 January 2013


When James suggested a walk round Strathbleak Park (as I jokingly call Strathclyde Park!) this morning my initial reaction was to tell him to get lost. However after I had given the idea a little thought I decided that it was a good idea and so we set off for a brisk walk wearing our hats and gloves. It actually turned out to be a pleasant walk because although it was cold it was not windy, and we had a good chat on the way round. James as usual spotted all kinds of wildlife such as geese, a coot and a cormorant, and I spotted a great big heron in one of the inlets. When we got home we had an afternoon of domestic bliss; James batch cooked a huge amount of Hungarian goulash, and David and I worked on his reflective essay. He got off to a slow start but soon his ideas were flowing. He's in a good mood because I got him a "Raspberry Pi" yesterday which he had been coveting. It is a credit card sized single board computer and to be honest I have absolutely no idea why he wanted it or what he will be doing with it, even though he has tried to explain it to me. He also got a keyboard for it and a couple of other technical bits. Anyway the batch cooking fun was not over because when we realised that the goulash was not going to be ready until about 9 p.m. we made two fish pies, one for tea and one for the freezer. It's a Jamie Oliver recipe and it was delicious! And that's about it for the weekend! 

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