Thursday 10 January 2013

To be a Science Teacher

Not very much to say about today except that it was a good one - I worked hard and got lots done which always gives a feeling of satisfaction. I had work to do in the evening so David and I sat down together at the table after tea and he worked on his Physics while I did my work. It was very chummy. David kept up a running commentary about his Physics; exclaiming that a question was impossible and telling me why - I found it hard to comment due to my total ignorance of the subject! Then a few minutes later he would excitedly tell me how he had worked out the answer - in fact he would have found just as knowledgable an audience if he had explained it to Jack the Cat, but I nodded and smiled encouragingly. It often amazes me that I have given birth to three creatures who understand and enjoy science. It was always such a mystery to me at school. I remember in Chemistry at school as an end of term treat we were given different materials and we had to do various scientific tests on them to work out what they were. Everyone was having great fun and I was just lost, I didn't know where to start. I sometimes wonder if teachers should be made to teach subjects that they found difficult at school, because then they would teach it better. Whereas most teachers teach the subject they were best at, so there is always a wee bit of them thinking "Why can't the pupils do this when I always found it so easy?" I know that it still surprises me that not everyone finds French as much fun as I do! So that is my theory of teaching - teach out of your comfort zone! Which means that I should retrain as a Science teacher immediately! 

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