Wednesday 30 January 2013

Jack the cat has the best day of his life - for about the 5600th day in a row!

Jack had a good day today, but then he has a good day every day. After waking James and me up by walking up and down on us, he took James downstairs to give him fresh chunks for breakfast. Once he has seen us off the premises he usually settles down for a rest but he also finds time to keep the house safe by looking out of the windows and occasionally patrolling the garden. Ally was at home for part of today and witnessed Jack seeing off another cat from the back door so we know that he is vigilant. Ally said that he puffed up his tail and turned sideways to make himself look bigger. When we arrived home in the evening Jack was in a lively mood and when David was playing with him he suddenly ran at him and attacked him! It reminded me of one of my favourite childhood books "The Cats and Rosemary" where one of the cats likes to play a game of "roly poly" but this can suddenly and without warning turn into a game of "lions and tigers". Then when Ally was slicing the gammon joint for dinner he left it for a minute to help the interior designer carry her books out to the car, and when he came back Jack had jumped up on the unit and was munching on a slice! Jack showed no remorse when we remonstrated with him and even went back up on the unit later to see if the gammon was still there. He has spent most of the rest of the evening in his basket beside the radiator and he is now sitting on my knee, purring quietly. Yes, another good day for Jack. 

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