Saturday 26 January 2013

Celtic Connections evening

We went to an excellent concert last night with Heather and Ewan at Oran Mor. I had just had a rather stressful day at school which was compounded by heavy snow in the afternoon and having to change the usual pick up arrangements to release the pupils early. It was a good call though because it kept on snowing and even the main roads were very slidy when I left work. Anyway the result of this for me was a headache which lasted all day and I was worried that it was going to spoil my evening. I need not have worried; my headache lifted as soon as I got to the restaurant where we were all meeting for dinner, and I had a great evening.
Ewan and Heather had already met up in the west end and James was arriving straight from the airport! All of our arrangements went smoothly and we all had a very nice Italian meal at Paperino's in Byres Road. The concert was fantastic, in the cosy venue downstairs at Oran Mor. We missed the support act but were in plenty of time for the headline act, J.D. McPherson and his band. Although I had never heard any of their music before it was really catchy with great tunes. Soon we were jigging around with the rest of the crowd. I wasn't sure how to place the music, Ewan told us that it is reminiscent of early rock and roll. J.D. had a great voice and his fellow singer and double base player, Jimmy Sutton, was also an excellent musician. After the concert we had a drink upstairs and chatted about the concert and had a laugh. Ewan was pleased that we enjoyed his choice of music so much. What a turnaround from a stressful day to a great evening. Tremendous! 

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