Wednesday 2 January 2013

Galette des Rois

Jamie, Ally and I went to the shops to buy dinner and we found a delicatessen where we bought some delicious sausages in tomato and onion sauce, and also some tartiflette to go with them. Yummy. We also booked a restaurant for Friday evening and browsed the souvenir shops, which contained the same artisan products as usual, some quite attractive and some rather tacky. On the way back to the apartment we popped into a bakery and saw a "galette des Rois", a French puff pastry and frangipane tart, which the French eat to celebrate Epiphany. The helpful shop owner and some enthusiastic customers explained to us that there is a porcelain figure called a "fève" hidden inside and whoever finds it gets to wear the crown that is on top of it. You're supposed to eat it on the first Sunday after New Year but everyone in the shop said it is also fine to eat it a few days before that. They also said "attention aux dents!" So after dinner we tucked in and Ally spotted the little porcelain figure, (which was of a skiing rabbit!) and proudly put on his crown. Luckily he spotted it rather than biting on it! Later I went down to the bar with the boys for a drink; James on the other hand retired to bed - after seven hours of skiing and a hearty dinner he was exhausted! 

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