Tuesday 15 January 2013

Brief Encounter at the airport

James has had some problems with technology this week. First his car wouldn't start on Sunday, and then his phone broke yesterday. Then the garage didn't collect his car for repair when they said they would yesterday, so it wasn't even collected until today. James has found all this rather annoying to say the least!
Today he was flying to Birmingham so he took a taxi to the airport at 5 a.m. I couldn't contact him during the day because his phone is broken, but I decided to meet him off the Birmingham plane at six so that he wouldn't have to take a taxi home. I got to the pick up area of the car park just in time and met James as he came out of the airport terminal. How nice it was to see his lovely familiar face! However it turned out that he had already phoned for a taxi from a pay phone and it was on its way. So we ended up travelling home separately! Never mind, David had kindly made the tea so we all had tea as soon as James and I got home. 

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