Monday 21 January 2013

Bath balls

Having disappointed myself by not going to the gym after work I decided to have an early night. After all, I reasoned, if I was too tired to besport myself in the gym then I should get some extra sleep. And so here I am tucked up in bed at half past nine reading my book and blogging. Jack cat is lying on my legs, hopefully out of affection but also I suspect because my hot bath has made me a super source of heat. Baths are one of the pleasures of my life; they have to be exactly the right temperature and I enjoy using bubble baths or bath balls to produce clouds of lovely scents. My favourite bath-time smells include citrus and roses and of course freesia. In the old days I liked nothing better than sipping a cool glass of Sauvignon Blanc while enjoying a hot bath; nowadays a coffee will suffice. Over the last few weeks I have been using some Lush bath balls which were my Christmas present from David. They are truly amazing; the one I used tonight was a deep pink with little petals in it. And the best one had to be a few days ago - it turned the water in the bath dark blue, flecked with gold! Gorgeous! Anyway I'm going to read a bit more of my book now; after vowing that I would only read one volume of Proust per year because it's just too intense, I changed my mind and have been reading nothing else since the New Year! I'm now on the last volume, "Finding Time Again". As I have said before, I both love and hate Proust! I wish I had someone to discuss him with, but James and the boys now refuse to listen to me talk about it! 

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