Sunday 19 February 2012

Snowdrops at Skelmorlie

It has been a very nice weekend. A curry on Friday, a lovely evening with Caroline and Jamie on Saturday, and today another section of the Ayrshire Coastal Path with James. This time we walked from Largs to Skelmorlie. We parked the car at the beautiful Victorian Wemyss Bay Station with its sweeping curves of glass roof, and got a taxi to Largs. As James pointed out, it was very rural for a coastal walk! The route took us inland for a lot of the way, through farmland (where we encountered three angry geese) and across hillsides up to Knock Hill where we got great views back to Largs and way down the coast to the south, and also across the Firth of Clyde to Bute, and north to the Inverkip power station with the Greenock hills beyond. We were so lucky with the weather; it was sunny the whole way (about 13 km - 4 hours including the diversion up Knock Hill where we had a stop for lunch). We could see that there was rain coming in from the Cowal Peninsula across the Clyde Estuary, but it stayed dry for us and it started raining in Skelmorlie about thirty seconds after we got back into the car! A highlight of the route was all the snowdrops that we passed on our way. We're on our way home now and I can't wait to get into a hot bath! Update at bed time: there was not enough hot water for my bath so it was lukewarm, and as I disappointedly got out of it I knocked over my mug of coffee which broke on the bathroom floor! What a mess! Davie offered to clear it up for £5 and he made a lovely job of it. Later we had a jolly evening with Grandma watching the last episode of "Call the Midwife", which was very good. 

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