Tuesday 21 February 2012

Having a laugh

I found something that I thought was funny on the Internet on Monday and I showed it to Alasdair after tea.

http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html (about a missing cat poster by David Thorne - he kept wilfully misunderstanding what sort of poster the lady with the missing cat wanted, and the artwork that he came up with is very amusing!)

Ally laughed and laughed. It was lovely to see! He laughed so much that he was wiping tears from his eyes. David also thought it was funny and fell on the floor laughing at one point. And James enjoyed it too. I think it is the cat theme which we all liked. It set the mood for a relaxing evening watching a programme about the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and then an episode of Mad Men - we are nearing the end of the second series. Jamie phoned later and was telling me how much he enjoyed his rowing weekend in Peterborough, which had 150 boats, more boats than he has ever seen! His poor hands are a mess from all the rowing; David told us proudly that "Jamie's hands are like other peoples' feet!" (because of the hard skin! Yeuch!). I also phoned Jennifer and we had a good chat. And David told me he has started his own blog - I read it and it's great, I'm so proud! 

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