Tuesday 21 February 2012

A house full of boys

I dearly love my husband and three sons, and I feel so lucky to have them in my life. However there are occasions when I feel a bit outnumbered by men, and tonight is a good example. After a long day at work culminating in a training course from 5.30 until 7.30, I made the dinner and was looking forward to a well earned rest, watching an episode of Mad Men. However when I sat down I found that James, Ally and Davie had just started watching a programme called "How to Build a Jumbo Jet Engine". Imagine my dismay. The programme turned out to be just as boring as I feared, featuring various (no doubt very skilled) workers describing how they make their own particular component of a Rolls Royce engine. However when I pointed out to the boys how dull this was, I was rudely advised to "Shut up Mum", and told in no uncertain terms that they would not be changing channels. The programme is still dragging on, and the workers are now slowly assembling an engine, in front of the fascinated eyes of my husband and offspring. The only interesting thing that has happened in the last hour is that a frog is looking in through the French windows at us, it has been doing this for the past few evenings, I wonder why. David has named it Freddo. Back to the programme; a very senior engineer is now checking an engine using a long stick with a light on the end of it, so I have high hopes that it will end soon. 

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