Wednesday 8 February 2012


I am blogging outside David's school because I'm a bit early for his parents' meeting. This will affect the final decision about whether he will change schools.
I was at a different meeting last night; James' hillwalking club AGM at the Boswell Hotel. I have never attended it in all the years that James has been a member, mainly because I used to be at home with the children while he was there, however James enticed me along with the promise of a slap up two course dinner for £9.95. The dinner was fairly nice although the hotel was freezing and I ended up feeling really cold. After dinner James chaired the AGM and he was very good at it, I felt proud of him. Andy gave a great presentation about all the walks last year, he was very humorous; at one point he showed a picture of James standing beside the remains of a crashed plane (there are quite a few of these around the hills), and he said "This is an old wreck! .....and this is a plane!" which we all thought was very funny. Nearly all of the photos were of rainy days with groups of people standing beside cairns with their waterproofs on and hoods up! Cornel was referred to by Andy as "our own rain man" because every outing he was on seemed to have had torrential rain! There was a discussion about this year's trips which was very interesting, there are some good outings coming up this year. It was a good-humoured evening, the club are a pleasant bunch! 

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