Saturday 25 February 2012

On the train with David

Davie and I are on the train testing out his journey for a job interview on Wednesday; I want to make sure that he knows the way. We have had a busy weekend so far; I was at book club last night and today we went to get Ally fitted for the kilt that Grandma is giving him for his 18th birthday at the end of March - a very generous present. We had some errands in the west end so we took Grandma for lunch in Oran Mor. Talking of birthdays, it was Jamie's 22nd birthday yesterday - I can hardly believe that is the age of the tiny baby who stared at me so intently and alertly with his big blue eyes just after he was born. It seems like yesterday. Jamie hasn't decided what he wants for his birthday, and we won't be seeing him this weekend because he is in Aberdeen rowing today and then having a massive party tonight, to which we are not invited. In fact the only reason that I know about the party is that Ally has been invited! He is delighted and is getting a lift to Dundee with the women's rowing team (I bet he's delighted about that too!) I have been reflecting about how all three boys are turning out to have many of James' annoying traits:
1. Quoting obscure song lyrics.
2. Singing to the cat.
3. Quite grumpy if contradicted.
4. Disproportionate love of science and technology.
5. Rude about my driving and skiing.
6. Dogmatic.
7. Bizarre sense of humour.
8. Rarely show remorse.
9. Strange taste in music.
10. Unwilling to answer phone.
The boys don't have all of these behaviours in the same proportion; for example Ally is definitely the grumpiest, Davie talks the most in song lyrics, Jamie has the strangest tastes in music, but they all display these traits to some extent and I find it quite unnerving. On the other hand, all three boys share James' good qualities too; loyal, generous, and loving. And I have grown to quite like their bizarre sense of humour. 

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