Wednesday 29 February 2012

Last day of winter?

I'm very excited at the prospect of Spring being just round the corner. It definitely seems a little milder and the crocuses and daffodils are beginning to bloom. This morning Jack and I enjoyed watching two squirrels on the bird table eating bread that James had put out onto the bird table, and nuts from the feeder. When one of the squirrels dropped some bread, a wee bird hopped past and picked it up off the ground; it was very sweet. One of the funniest things I saw at the weekend was Ally and Davie chasing the squirrels up the garden, they didn't stand a chance! Jack is too wise even to try. Davie phoned me at lunch time to say that his interview at Riding for the Disabled went well; the next step is an induction. Most importantly he enjoyed it and wants to go back. I read on the Internet this evening that Davy Jones of the Monkees died today aged 66. Another part of my youth gone; Jennifer and I used to watch the television series in the seventies (repeats I assume) and James and I went to one of the reunion concerts in the 1980s. However my favourite Monkee, Mike Nesmith, did not take part in the tour because he was so rich; he inherited millions from his mother who invented one of the earliest forms of correction fluid. He was also the best looking (in my opinion) and wrote some great songs. Anyway Davy Jones was my second favourite Monkee because although tiny, he was cute. 

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