Friday 10 February 2012

Let the Holiday Weekend commence!

After a busy day at work I have rushed to the Rainbow Room to get my hair cut ready for our trip to Paris tomorrow. I am feeling excited and I'm sitting here texting Heather and blogging. There is some sort of police incident going on just up the road with lots of vans with flashing blue lights and one of the hairdressers is heading out to investigate.
James and I are not the only members of the family to be going on holiday. While we are in Paris, Davie will be spending the weekend with Jamie in Dundee, which he is looking forward to, it will be nice for the two of them to spend a bit of time together.
And Alasdair set off last night on his school music trip to Holland, where he will be playing at some concerts and having fun. He bought himself some cans of coke, then drilled holes in them, and drained out the coke. He then filled the cans with rum and soldered them shut. I honestly don't know whether to be amused or appalled. The general opinion at work was that I should be very proud!
Update at midnight from BBC news website: "A man is being held after armed police stormed in to an Italian restaurant in Glasgow city centre, ending a siege that lasted nearly eight hours." It all happened in Amarone, one of our favourite Italian restaurants! The good news is that no one was hurt. 

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