Thursday 23 February 2012

Catching up at Piccolo Mondo

I had a lovely meal tonight with Kari at Piccolo Mondo, where there was an excellent "5 pm" offer of just £10 for two courses, as long as you book for between 5.30 and 6. This suited us very nicely for an early meal together, and the price also included an aperitif and either a liqueur or a coffee! I have been there once before, with James, Kathryn and Alan, and once again the food was delicious in very nice, traditional surroundings. However the best thing about the evening was catching up with Kari. We have kept in fairly good touch over the years and our boys get on very well when they see each other. Months can go by, but when we do meet up we resume the conversation as if we had seen each other the day before! How nice that a cousin has become such a good friend. 

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