Thursday 16 February 2012

More culture!

After our lovely weekend in Paris another treat was in store this week; a trip to the theatre with Heather to see Zach Braff's "All New People". He is quite a famous television actor from an old favourite of ours (Scrubs) and he has now written this play, which is touring in Glasgow and Manchester before ir starts its London run. It got a dreadful review from the Herald theatre critic which I felt was very unfair, because I liked it. It was about four people who are thrown together by circumstance in a beach house near New York in the winter. I think you would call it a black comedy. Its themes are loneliness, despair and friendship. The cast were great, led by Zach himself (he has terrible posture!) with Eve Morrow of Torchwood fame bravely attempting an English accent rather than her usual Welsh one, Paul Hilton (who played the menacing criminal Rush in Silk) and Susannah Fielding, a very pretty and talented young actress who I think will go far. I'm not saying it was perfect; it started off a bit stilted, and the film flashbacks were a bit weird, but it's nice to see something new and different, which this play certainly was. 

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