Saturday 4 February 2012

A trip into town

I am sitting in the Apple Shop while a pleasant young man at the Genius Bar is trying to make my email work properly on my iPad - at the moment it receives but it will not send. I haven't had the best morning so far. I set off rather late into town by car; James advised me to take the train but I wouldn't listen, and then after going in to a shop to get change for the parking meter, I returned to the car to find that I had got a parking ticket in the few minutes I had been away. Then when I got to the Apple Shop I had missed my appointment and I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get another appointment! My email has now been fixed and James has arrived and is having a technical discussion with the pleasant young man, who has shown us some cool things like creating my own personal wifi hotspot using my iPhone. We are planning to have lunch and then go to see a film so I'm hoping that the afternoon goes more smoothly than the morning!
Update in the evening - well it was a very nice afternoon! We had lunch in Di Maggio's Express where we met an old friend - Fergus! We haven't seen him for years and it was lovely to see him. He was having lunch with his Mum, who used to be the head teacher of the boys' nursery; always very glamorous, she hasn't changed a bit and we all had a chat. Then we went to the UCI to see The Descendants starring George Clooney. James had suggested going to see it, which surprised me because it seemed much more my taste than his. It was a good film although it had an underlying sadness. George C is still gorgeous! So I got my wish; the day improved after my stressful morning!