Saturday, 30 September 2023
Jennifer came to visit us on Wednesday for a few days and we had such a lovely time. She arrived on the day that I was hosting my EK Book Club and she helped me with the teas and coffees and joined in with all the chat. It was a convivial evening and the book club girls loved Jennifer. I felt very proud of her!
We visited Janet McDougall, the first time that Jennifer has met her. We had lunch at the Chapterhouse café and Janet told us lots of stories about the family. We walked Vinnie the dog twice and I found it very reassuring to have an experienced dog person with me. It built my confidence let him off the lead a bit more in the park. Despite a poor weather forecast we had lovely weather both times although our feet got muddy in the field which was quite waterlogged. We also had the opportunity for some good chat while we were walking. We went over to David Lloyd for a swim and a spa too.
Then on the Friday a group of Jennifer’s friends came round for supper, and what a nice group they were! I knew Alison and Elspeth already and I enjoyed getting to know Julie. It was another lovely evening, the culmination of a great visit.
Monday, 25 September 2023
We love Lucy!
Sunday, 24 September 2023
I had noticed that the exit behind me was right beside the bridge to Exhibition Centre Station, so I left sharp after the encores and successfully beat the majority of the crowds heading for the station, and got on to the first train that arrived. An excellent evening.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Wild weather
Update just before midnight: I saw on Facebook that one of the lampposts just up the lane from us blew right down into a neighbour’s garden this evening due to the high winds!
Monday, 18 September 2023
Rainy day
However we had some nice plans that were unaffected by the rain; brunch in Inverness with Alison and Hugh. We met in a lovely wee café in the town centre and had a very pleasant chat and catch up over coffee and French toast. It had even temporarily stopped raining by the time we left the café. We stopped at Tesco in the way back to Ullapool and James bought the ingredients for his special sweet potato curry, which was absolutely delicious and we watched another episode of Black Mirror. As rainy days go, it was a rather good one. Although I’m not sure that the cats would agree, they spent quite a lot of time mooching about in the porch looking sadly out at the rain.
Sunday, 17 September 2023
A bit of Mahler
I spent most of the afternoon in bed reading and sleeping, and my lovely Flora stayed right beside me most of the time. I know that she had a break while I was asleep because James was outside working in the garden, and he told me that she ventured outside for a little while and sat at the top of the steps, then returned indoors to take care of me. She is such a wee honey. Tom however is a man’s cat and he roamed around his territory, checking on James’ gardening progress from time to time.
I got up for the evening, James made a delicious asparagus risotto which I ate with the right hand side of my mouth. We watched another episode of Black Mirror. When I was tucked up in bed I noticed that it had just turned midnight so I did my Wordle, which I do every day. I had just been reading an online article about the Righteous Brothers and the word “music” came to me. And amazingly, for the first time ever, I got the word on my first attempt! I was delighted!
It’s weird that two lovely things have happened (Wordle on first attempt and picture published on BBC Scotland website) just when I’m suffering with this tooth. Life is strange.
Today my tooth was a bit better, apart from once when I gnashed it together with my upper teeth by accident and it was very sore! We went to Strathpeffer in the afternoon to see a Mahler Players concert; Mahler Symphony no. 6 to be precise. It’s the first time that we’ve been to an event at Strathpeffer Pavilion and it was a nice venue. There was a good turnout and I enjoyed the concert - up to a point; I am not very familiar with Mahler and it kind of sounded like a film score to me. I think I would need to hear more to get more of an idea of it. We had a coffee afterwards in a wee coffee shop that was like an old fashioned American diner complete with a juke box.
Back in Ullapool we had a relaxing evening and were much amused by Flora who watched a nature programme about birds very intently and then climbed up beside the television to try to catch the birds!
Friday, 15 September 2023
Ullapool journey with sore tooth
When we got to Ullapool we quickly unloaded the car, the cats went out for some exercise, and I dived into bed for a nap, it was blissful. My caring little cat Flora came upstairs and sat on top of me on the bed, staring into my face. I’m sure that she knew that I wasn’t feeling great.
In some nice news, I have finally had one of my photographs published in the BBC News website “Your pictures of Scotland” section. I have never been successful before despite several years of trying so I was delighted.
I got up for dinner and watched an episode of “Black Mirror” with James (we have watched a few in the past but decided to watch them all in order. But I was glad to get back to bed. The endodontist told me that my tooth would be sore for about 48 hours so I’m more than half way through that.
Thursday, 14 September 2023
Root Canal
However inevitably the time soon came for my treatment and the procedure took two whole hours, which to be fair I had been warned. It wasn’t painful because my mouth was well injected with local anaesthetic, but afterwards I felt a little bit confused and faint. Luckily James had insisted on driving me over to the west end where the clinic is, and had passed the time walking in to the centre of town for some shopping. When I emerged into the daylight I phoned James and he was only five minutes away. The pain began when the anaesthetic wore off about an hour later. My whole tooth and the gum under it became very sore, and painkillers barely took the edge off it. The dentist had warned me about this too, that all the root canal treatment would have temporarily irritated and inflamed all of the tissues. I hope that it gets better soon because at the moment it is murder polis!
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
A boy and a cat
Tom however was a sad boy later when I took him to the vet about his baldy patches. He didn’t suspect a thing until James brought the cat carrier into the back room where he had been resting on the couch. He ran for the cat flap but I had already locked it, and he was soon on his way to the vet, crying all the way in his tiny cracked voice. It turned out that he has allergies (like Flora) which were sorted, I hope, by a rather expensive injection. Tom was very glad to get home, and I noticed him staring at me from time to time during the afternoon as if to say “What was that all about?”
He was distracted when James built and lit a large fire in the garden, to get rid of some twigs and branches. Tom and Flora watched in fascination from the safety of the back room. James used the fire pit that we bought during lockdown, but despite being kept covered it has rusted so much that the bottom literally fell out of it, so it will need to go off to the dump. At least it ended its life in one last blaze of glory!
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
A dog, two cats and a squirrel
James came with me on my Vinnie walk this afternoon; we followed the usual route through Holmhills and Cambuslang Parks, and all three of us had a fine time. Vinnie was impressed that James can throw his ball much further than I can, and he was running about chasing the ball for ages. It was another beautiful sunny day, and we had a nice chat on our walk, and Vinnie met a few other doggies, he’s such a friendly dog.
There was drama in the garden when we got home. Tom was full of beans after his dinner and chased Flora up the pear tree beside the fence, then he dashed up the other pear tree. There happened to be a squirrel already in that tree above Tom and it was absolutely furious; it was chattering at him loudly in its gruff voice. I think that it must have been angry because it felt trapped by him blocking its usual exit down the tree and across the grass to the other pear tree and the many trees in the Reids’ garden. So it climbed high up the tree and then gave an almighty leap to the other pear tree. This was no mean feat even for a squirrel, because it had to grab on to the very thin twigs high up, and we could see them bending way down like a springboard before it leaped again onto safer branches. But oh dear, our bushy tailed friend had not realised that Flora was already in that tree, and it did a huge double take when it realised that it was running towards her! Flora could hardly believe what was happening, it was so funny! The squirrel turned just in time and disappeared into the Reids’ conifers, what great entertainment, it was like a nature programme!
Monday, 11 September 2023
Car trouble and coffee
Well it was cooler today after the rain yesterday, but I’m glad to say that it still felt warm and summery - there may be a few leaves on the ground but we’re not quite into autumn yet. I spent quite a lot of the morning arranging a car repair because one of the wheel bearings seems to be faulty again. Also an annoying rattle beneath the passenger door and a glitch with the display screen. I tried to hasten the repair by driving over to Land-rover south side to throw myself on their mercy but they were unmoved and sent me home to follow the correct procedure by phoning Land-rover assistance, who have to diagnose the car before it can be booked in for repair. This duly took place and the repair will not take place until October. Words fail me.
James had a guitar lesson after lunch, which he said that he enjoyed. I picked him up and on the way home we stopped for coffee and strawberry tarts at Hugo’s in Burnside. It was doing a roaring trade, the staff were really friendly and helpful. I’m aware that it is nearly the end of hammock season so when we got home I headed outside. It was so pretty in the garden; so green and lush, with a welcome little breeze after the hot, still weather of the last few days.
In other news, Ally and Cat are safe home from Morocco, thank goodness. It’s now being reported that three thousand people died during the earthquake, many in remote mountain villages which were completely destroyed. It’s so sad.
Sunday, 10 September 2023
Flu jab
Back home I dedicated a chunk of my day to some quite serious sorting and clearing out. I think that my ex colleagues would probably agree that one of my good points was being super efficient and organised and tidy. Well it’s a different story at home, and that’s a shame because home is of course the most important. In the past the house was full of boy stuff and I was always fighting a semi successful battle to keep the house in good order. But now I need to do that for myself, and somehow that seems more difficult, maybe because I don’t really have deadlines, or uniform to get ready or homework to check. It’s not that the house is in a terrible state; however there are little piles of messiness here and there, and I tend to shove things into my beloved study to get them out of the way. And that is also a shame because it’s the first time that I have had my own room since 1985, and I feel that the disorder makes me value it less.
Anyway I worked very hard for about three hours, mainly in my study, and I think that I can really see a difference. I became extremely sweaty during this time, partly because of running up and down the stairs to fetch things or put them away, and partly because the muggy morning had turned into an extremely hot and humid afternoon. So I used my trusty method (first used on a hot day in Tuscany) of running myself a completely cold bath and immersing myself in it, in order to bring down my temperature. This worked beautifully and I felt very refreshed.
Meanwhile the clouds rolled in and it actually got very dark at about 3.30 p.m. Suddenly there was an almighty downpour, followed by the predicted thunder. However Jennifer told me on the phone that they had thunder and lightning this morning in Buckinghamshire and now it’s back to being very hot! But that’s the south of England for you; the weather forecast predicts that it will stay cooler here. And indeed it did feel cooler after several more bursts of heavy rain.
James arrived home from his very sunny hill-walking weekend to Galloway with some hilarious tales to tell me, and we had dinner and a pleasant evening together with Tom and Flora.
Saturday, 9 September 2023
Earthquake in Marrakesh
Ally and Cat FaceTimed me in the morning which was reassuring; their hotel is just outside Marrakesh and is still operating, so they are going to stay put and follow instructions from their airline; they are due to fly home on Monday.
Meanwhile at Casa Anderson, today was meant to be the peak of the heatwave, and it was very hot. Hot and muggy; the washing was hung out for hours but still felt a little bit damp when I brought it in. Even the interior of the house, with its thick sandstone walls, has heated up significantly. The cats were mostly just lounging around the back room and the garden, as was I. But there was a unique occurrence just after lunch, when I was spending some time in my hammock. Flora approached me and spoke loudly to me, and I patted my knee to encourage her to jump up - which she never does, because she hates the unstable feeling of the hammock moving. But this time she did! And after a bit of shifting about she settled down on my legs, relaxed but not sleeping as she listened to the sounds of birds and various rustling and creaking noises in the trees. At one point we both watched in fascination as a squirrel descended from one of the trees and scurrying up another. The only problem was that Flora’s weight on my knee joints eventually made them feel as if they were bent backwards; I didn’t move because it was so nice to have here there, but when she eventually jumped down to the ground I couldn’t bend my knees at all for a painful few minutes!
After dinner I heard the pattering noise of rain on the window which quickly turned into a heavy but brief downpour. I was surprised because rain was not forecast until tomorrow afternoon. I heard the cat flap clicking and in came Flora, with her fur absolutely soaked! She was miaowing very loudly, I think that she had been very much caught by surprise! I gave her a rub down with a towel, for which she was not at all grateful. I went outside later to check on the weather and the darkening sky was clear, but it did feel a little fresher, so I’m hoping for a cooler night’s sleep.
Friday, 8 September 2023
Ice lollies in the garden
After Davie set off for home I of course headed straight for the hammock which I placed in the shade under the big pear tree. A good day!
Thursday, 7 September 2023
Hidden Lane Tearoom
Another beautiful day; even hotter than yesterday. I sat outside in the morning, and needless to say the cats both came and sat near me on the patio. I set off by train to meet Ally W for lunch; her house is only ten minutes walk from Exhibition Centre station. She took me to a café that I have never visited before called the Hidden Lane Tearoom. And it really is hidden - it’s down a wee lane behind Dumbarton Road where there are old mews cottages. I had no idea that it was there despite walking past the end of the lane many times. It was pretty hot both indoors and out, I heard later that it was 27 deg C, but the windows were all open and we fanned ourselves with our menus. The lunch was delicious and I’ll definitely be back. Ally had some serious news to discuss with me and we had a long catch up and chat. It was lovely to see her.
When I headed back to the station after lunch I felt a drop of rain on my shoulder, which turned into a light shower. The raindrops were big and warm and evaporated instantly on the hot pavement. I wasn’t dressed for a shower, since I was wearing a very light sundress, but luckily it didn’t get any heavier by the time I got in to the shelter of the station.
Back in Cambuslang (where there were no more raindrops!) I had a number of errands to do on my way home; I picked up a prescription, extracted a wad of money from the cash machine, and collected the car from the body shop (that’s what the money was for.) I had put the car in there yesterday for a repair after an embarrassment with a wall in Bibury in July. Since I did the damage it was only fair that I should pay for the repair, and the body shop manager gave me an excellent discount for cash. He had done an excellent job and I was very pleased.
I couldn’t wait to jump into my hammock in the garden where I read my book to the pleasant sounds of children playing in the garden next door and birds singing in the trees.
Wednesday, 6 September 2023
September sunshine
In the morning Marjory and I had walked along to Burnside for coffee and tried out the new café “Hugh’s” which has opened in the old Café Gelato premises. So far so good, the waiters were trying really hard so we were asked if we were enjoying our coffee about a dozen times! We had a good catch up, very pleasant.
Later I went over to Carolyn’s for an afternoon coffee and chat; former baby Harris has turned into a proper wee boy! He’s about two and a half now. What a cutie, he invited me to play with all his best toys and to repair his toy car and speak on his toy phone. Aw he’s so lovely.
I went straight from Carolyn’s into town to meet James for tea before “The Pink Floyd Experience” at the King's Theatre which was exactly what you would expect. The tribute band did a fine job of delivering two hours of Pink Floyd’s best known music. Even I was singing along to quite a lot of it. It was still warm and balmy when we travelled home by train.
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Three Chimneys and Raasay Distillery
The next morning, after a large and tasty breakfast, we decided to visited Dunvegan Castle and its garden; I know that we have been there before but it must have been at least thirty years ago and I think it was raining. This time it was sunny and although Dunvegan is not the prettiest castle (it has a pleasing shape but the rough cast surface on its walls is not very becoming) it was very interesting. It is actually five different buildings ranging from the 13th to the 19th century that have been joined together over the years. It has a long history and framed on one of its halls is the famous Fairy Flag, given to the MacLeod Clan by, yes you’ve guessed it, the fairies, to be used in times of trouble. Apparently it was examined by an expert in the 19th century who suggested that it had been looted from one of the crusades (and it does look like a crusader flag!) The Clan Chief at the time assured him that the flag had been given to his family by the fairies, to which the expert responded diplomatically “I bow to your superior knowledge!” I liked this story.
The castle gardens looked lush and gorgeous at the end of summer and we strolled around them in the sunshine.
Then we moved on to the island of Raasay, which we have visited twice before for distillery visits with our boys (and girls!) During our previous visits we had noticed that there are hotel rooms at the distillery, and we fancied giving them a try. We travelled the short journey across to Raasay as foot passengers on the Calmac ferry “Hallaig” and wheeled our cases up the hill to the distillery. Our room was small but smart, however in this lovely weather it was very, very hot, which concerned me. The staff must have noticed this because they had put a fan on the window ledge. However by bedtime I’m glad to say that the room had cooled right down and we got a good night’s sleep.
We had drinks sitting at a wooden table outside the distillery and then a gorgeous meal awaited us in the restaurant. The young waiter, one of the owner’s sons I think, was very friendly and knowledgeable.
We woke this morning to a thick mist coming in from the sea, which resulted in a most beautiful temperature inversion; the tops of the mountains appearing spectacularly out of the mist, with the blue loch below. Unfortunately this meant that two sailings of the ferry were cancelled, so James was unable to get across to Skye to go hill-walking as he had planned. Nothing daunted, he joined the 11 a.m. distillery tour while I sat outside in the sunshine enjoying a coffee. The mountains looked so amazing as the cloud shifted around their flanks, that lots of people, including James, came out of the distillery to take photos. We were sad to leave Raasay, but after a light lunch at Raasay House the ferries were running again and it was time to start our five hour journey homewards to see our cats. The mountains on Skye and then in Glencoe looked as lovely as could be as we travelled south.
Saturday, 2 September 2023
Curry and sunshine
Then today Davie and Chanel popped in for lunch. This is great because now that they have moved to Stirling they can visit us, and we can visit them, much more conveniently and with much less planning than when they lived in Manchester! Not that I object to my boys flying the nest and exploring the world; that is what I have always encouraged them to do. On the other hand, I do miss them, so I can’t help feeling rather thrilled that one of them is currently back in Scotland!
We had a pleasant lunch and James and Davie went into the garage where they constructed a new back panel for Davie's desk, with much sawing and sanding. Chanel was excited to be reunited with Tom and Floof, and it was warm enough to sit out in the garden, which we continued to do after our visitors left.
Friday, 1 September 2023
Ferne and Vinnie
Ruth, already a stalwart of the Vinnie WhatsApp group, very kindly offered to accompany me for my first Vinnie walk. We took Vinnie up to Holmhills Park and then to Cambuslang Park, and Ruth talked me through his habits and preferences and we threw his ball for him. It was all good fun, although I was taken aback by the really huge poo which Vinnie produced, much mightier than any cat poo I have seen. Ruth nobly scooped it up, but I will have to do it next time!
Six the Musical again and again!
I actually went to Six the Musical on Wednesday 30th (with Gordon) as well as on the 31st with Heather! These were my 4th and 5th times! I saw it first in December ‘21 with Chanel in Manchester, and then twice in June 22, once with Ally W and once by myself. I invited Jackie - she would have loved it - but she had school Prize-giving so couldn’t come. I wish that we could still go to fun outings together.
Anyway, on Wednesday, Gordon and I had dinner in Il Pieno, just across the road from the Theatre Royal. At the end of the evening I popped back in there to see if I had left my phone, it turned out that it was safely at home. The next night I was back in Il Pieno with Heather and the waiter recognised me and asked if I had found my phone, which I thought was very sweet. I LOVED seeing Six the Musical again both times. I don’t even know why I like this wee daft musical so much; I like the music very much and it makes me feel so happy.