Sunday 1 January 2017

Delicious New Year Dinner

Welcome to 2017. We brought in the New Year with Davie and Chanel; Ally and Cat were at a party. The cats arrived indoors shortly after the bells; there were fireworks being set off so they preferred to come indoors! We didn't stay up too late because James, Ally and Cat were planning to go hill-walking in the morning.

Sure enough they set off quite early to Meikle Binn while the rest of us had a relaxing day in the house.

We had a magnificent leg of lamb for New Year's Dinner, marinated by James for three days in oil and red wine vinegar with garlic, rosemary and juniper berries. I made a traditional gratin dauphinois to go with it and we also had roasted root vegetables. It was all delicious and a fitting meal with which to welcome in the New Year. 

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