Sunday 15 January 2017

The case of the missing contact lens

Yesterday when I went to put my contact lenses in I was most puzzled to find one of them missing and the case lying open in the shelf. Alasdair's contact lenses were still in their case however. How mystifying. With a little deduction I realised that Ally must have put my contact lenses in by mistake in his haste to get ready for hill-walking with James. One of my eyes has a similar prescription to Ally's but the other is way worse, so the puzzled Ally had discarded it to put in a new one. He didn't realise what had happened until I spoke to him on the phone later. Cue much hilarity and case solved.

If only the last episode of Sherlock this evening had been so straightforward or indeed so entertaining. The convoluted but ultimately silly plot bore little resemblance to the witty, interesting stories of the early series; I'm afraid that this erstwhile entertaining programme has latterly come to take itself too seriously and lost its originality in the process. 

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