Monday 9 January 2017

Return to Yoga

This evening I went to a yoga class, run by my friend Jennifer. It is not quite my first yoga experience- I tried yoga on the island of Limnos in the summer of 2012, in a class that was held outdoors overlooking the sea. I loved it so I'm not sure why I haven't joined a yoga class at home before now. Anyway, just before Christmas Jennifer told me about her career change to become a yoga teacher and her Monday evening class tied in nicely with my current aspirations to improve my health and wellbeing, and especially my creaky joints. 

So off I set in the pouring rain to a nearby community centre to join her class. It turned out that there were a few familiar faces in the class which was lovely. It was really good, and we were encouraged to push ourselves only as far as we felt comfortable. I felt very stiff at some points which proves that I really need to work at becoming more flexible, my wrists were the sorest part. I especially enjoyed the relaxation part at the end - I didn't know that we were supposed to bring a fleecy blanket to wrap ourselves in so Jennifer kindly lent me hers. It was an excellent session. 

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