Saturday 21 January 2017


I have had a lovely day at Guay in Perthshire, a place of which I am extremely fond. We arrived last night after having dinner at home so as to avoid the heavier traffic, and set off at about 6.30 pm. The journey is an easy one hour and twenty minutes, and the only hitch was the news that Cat was delayed in Edinburgh by a punctured tyre on her car (Ally travelled up with James and me but it made more sense for Cat to go directly from her flat). We weren't very happy at the idea of her having to change the tyre by herself in the dark, however she is a very capable young lady and soon got it sorted, arriving safe and sound about an hour after us. 

Anyway, the four of us had a jolly evening with Bob, Allan and Heidi in the lodge at Guay, and this morning we set off on our various hill walks. Mine was very simple; the 8 km round trip up the hill behind Guay and around Loch Ordie. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting my old haunts, even though the views were not quite up to their usual standard due to it being a misty day. The path was very boggy in parts, but I was lucky that I met a couple of very pleasant cyclists at the very worst big area of mud that I encountered. As I hesitated, one of them suggested that he swing me across the mud while I clung on to a handy gate! I'm not sure that I looked particularly elegant as I sailed across the marshy ground but it did work! 

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