Wednesday 11 January 2017

Tasty Chilli

I'm tucked up in bed listening to the wind whistling around the house. The weather has turned very chilly today; pale blue sky and a raw wind. Snow is allegedly forecast for tomorrow. 

James and I cooked a tasty chilli con carne for dinner, and we made enough that there is enough to put in the freezer for two more meals. I have two recipes for chilli, both dating back to the 1980s. The most basic, but nevertheless very flavoursome version, was torn from the packaging of a jar of chilli powder, and I still refer to it to make sure that I have got the quantities right. The other recipe is fancier with a variety of additional spices, and also tastes very good; probably richer in taste. It was given to me by someone I worked with thirty years ago at ICL, and it is printed on old-fashioned music-ruled computer paper, the kind that folded into a stack of paper as it printed. It was a suitably warm and comforting meal for such a cold evening. 

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