Saturday 14 January 2017

Silver Ferns

I'm feeling a wee bit under the weather this morning - just a cough - so I'm having a long lie in bed while James and Ally set off to climb Ben Vane. It's cold but sunny so they are taking the opportunity of the window in the weather. So here I am, all cosy and about to read a bit more of She-Wolves. James brought me breakfast in bed before they left which was really nice of him - he always brings me breakfast at the weekends so I'm a lucky girl. Another nice thing that happened is that when I got in from school yesterday I found a package that had arrived all the way from New Zealand with a beautiful pair of earrings from Jamie and Aisling. They were visiting Akaroa, which is near Christchurch, and they saw some earrings that they thought I would like. They are little silver ferns, which is a New Zealand symbol, I love them. 

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